Poker Room Not Over

Published on: December 13, 2007 

In a recent report, Lycos Media released the top search terms that were the most searched for in 2007. For 2 years running, Poker has come out as the first. It appears the fear of the online poker boom coming to an end, is an overestimated inaccuracy.  

This report is a welcomed celebration for the poker industry, online and off. Although the poker has made many headlines this year, not all of it has been positive. The Lycos top 50 report shows that poker is still a sought after pastime, worldwide. With the online poker rooms releasing recent decreases and stagnate player number reports, as well as an obvious decrease of player participants in the WSOP earlier this year, the poker boom was in question. This is evident to be wrong in that the Lycos search results prove it still peaks the interest of the international public. With all of the records set in the world of poker, online and off, it is no wonder why the search term poker toped the list 2 years running.

Also making the top 5 on the list was MySpace, in second place, but still far behind the poker search. Third was the eventful and attention grabbling Brittney Spears with her dramatic spotlight rival and on again off again friend, Paris Hilton coming in a close fourth. The dramatic duo has made it into many headlines through out 2007, and even with their beauty, drama, and family associated antics they did not bring the interest that Poker did online. Of course that is not to say that Paris Hilton losing her car in a Poker Game last year didn’t help the poker rankings. It is certain the antics of the drama attracting poker-playing diva would increase any online search association.

The media groups of Lycos and Google are anticipating new terms to top searches for 2008. Some of those anticipated terms are 2008 US Presidential Election, Kate Moss, Viagra, the new Batman Movie, and the PS3 related video games. Only time will tell if Poker makes the top of the list for a third year running. The search results for this report are followed from January 1st until December 1st of any given year. This is truly an accurate indicator of the annual search trends.

The 2007 Lycos Release of the top 10 search terms are as follows:

The Lycos 50 Top 10 Search Terms for 2007 are:

1) Poker
2) MySpace
3) Britney Spears
4) Paris Hilton
5) Golf
6) YouTube
7) Naruto
8) Disney
9) Pokemon
10) WWE

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