Sweden Against Online Casino Sites

Published on: April 6, 2009 

The Swedish government has announced they plan to block online casinos from their residents.  This plan goes against what the people of Sweden want according to the latest news.  Residents are saying they do not want to be censored from online casinos that may be available in other parts of the world.  Right now Sweden holds a monopoly for online casinos sites.  Any online casino is directly tied to Sweden.  Ladbrokes is one casino testing the current regulations for online casinos.

In fact they have stated they do not think they should be blocked from allowing Swedish residents to play.  They have advertised in several locations stating that the monopoly in Sweden must end.  Ladbrokes is an operate of both land and online casinos.

Their first act against the monopoly has been the advertising of consumer costs.  They are stating that with the monopoly of Swedish casinos the residents are paying high costs. The ads also explain the advantages of allowing more companies into the mix.  The idea is that if the residents begin asking more and more for different online casinos Ladbrokes will get into the country.  It is also true.  With the end of a monopoly prices can be lowered, making it easier for residents to play.

The Swedish government has talked about making a system more like UIGEA with internet filtering.  However, the European Union has something to say on this part of the project.  The EU says it is illegal to change how the system is run as well as keep the country in a monopoly.  The Remote Gaming Association has even gotten into the mix.

If Sweden wishes to go ahead with an internet filtering company they will have a fight on their hands.  They are not only talking about blocking online casinos, but whatever they deem appropriate in the government sector.  This could mean blocking websites that are not looking at Sweden favourably, or worse.  At least that is the fear by many.  Residents are even fearing their internet sites selling products may be blocked if the internet filtering system is put in place.

The government officials say a block is necessary on online casinos.  They want to be able to control any gambling problems.  They are hoping to cut out addiction with such a system.  Of course, blocking gambling online has yet to work for many countries as illegal online casinos get through the block.

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